Welcome to

Sundays at 9:45am

The Arts Centre, Hounslow | Treaty Centre Main Entrance

(Look for HTC Signs by Cafe Nero)

What's On

About Us Outline Illustration

Life Groups

Midweek meetings to study the Bible, pray & connect with others.

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Kids & Youth Club

Tuesday afterschool Kids Club for school years 1-6.

Friday evening Youth Club (Young Life) for school years 7-13.

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Sunday Worship

Sunday morning worship with music, Bible teaching & gathering as a church family.

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Social Gatherings

We enjoy getting together to explore our city ​& spend time together.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date with upcoming events


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Connect with Us



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How to Find Us

We value partnership

We are connected and accountable,

partnering with other like-minded organisations.

What We Believe

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Through his sacrifical death and by his glorious resurrection from the dead, ​Jesus has set us free from sin, shame, guilt and death.

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The Gospel

The word Gospel means good news and can be summed up in 4 words: ​creation, fall, redemption & restoration. The good news of Jesus is a message​ made for ALL people of the World!


We were created to ​have a relationship ​with God but...


We destroyed that ​relationship when ​we rebelled against ​Him by going our ​own way.


Jesus Christ, God’s Son, ​lived a sinless life on ​earth. He paid for our ​sins by dying on the ​cross as our substitute, ​and rose bodily

from the dead.


Faith in Jesus Christ is ​the only way to ​restore our ​relationship

with God.


Open Hands Outline

We all worship something. But we were made to worship God. Worship ​takes a variety of forms (singing, teaching, praying, reading Scripture) but i​n essence it is beholding and treasuring God and expressing our praise of al​l He is and has done.​

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God has fully given us everything we need to know about him in his ​Scriptures, the Bible. It is our supreme authority, divinely inspired, without ​error. It is the Gospel story of hope.

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To belong to God means we belong to each other. Living in community with​ one another, living as the family of God, means that we have a home in​ which we share life together - its highs and lows, joys and discouragement.​ But through it all, we encourage one another to look to Jesus, our Living​ Hope.​

God shows his love for us in that

while we were still sinners,

Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

Who We Are

We are a church committed to the worship of the Triune God ​who is revealed in the Bible, to the proclamation of the gospel ​which is the good news that salvation is found in Jesus the ​Lord of all people, to belonging to each other as the family of ​God, and to serving our community of Hounslow.


Barry Schutter

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Past Services

Listen to past sermons from HTC


Struggling to find trustworthy reads? Check our online bookstall with

The Good Book Company. Solid teaching, diverse authors, various topics



Listen to the music we worship with on a Sunday to help encourage, uplift ​and root you in Gospel hope.

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So​cial Media

Where we can connect with you throughout the week.


Recommended podcasts

Listen to some sermons, talks, and other materials that we love


We believe giving allows us to worship God by giving to him because he has so graciously given so much to us!

As a new church we have many financial needs--rent, insurance, license

fees, outreach, discipleship, mercy and missions. We also want to be able

to hire staff to serve the needs of this community.

Below are our bank details if you would like to give to Hounslow Town Church, as a part of your worship of our great God.

Outlined Square

Lloyds Bank

Hounslow Town Church



Hounslow Town Church is a registered UK Charity: 1204481